Heeft u een vraag waar u geen antwoord op kan vinden? Stuur dan een mailtje naar info@wampennings.nl. Binnen 24 uur reageren we op uw mail.
We find it annoying if a product does not comply to our standards. To make a claim under the warranty, it is important that you contact our customer service as soon as possible via. In consultation we will look for the best solution.If you notice damage, defect or shortage, we would like to receive photos of the product, shipping label, inner packaging and the entire size of the item so that we can offer you a suitable solution faster. If the products are no longer in your possession because they have been thrown away, we can unfortunately no longer offer warranty.
Tulip bulbs will be harvested in July/August, processed in the following months and are ready for shipment in September
No there is not a store where you can go to, but it is possible to see our tulips every spring at our Tulip Experience Amsterdam,